Why It's Important to Celebrate Women’s History Month
"Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women," said the late Dr. Maya Angelou.
Women’s History Month is the acknowledgment that women have not backed down. It is the receipt that we stood up for ourselves personally and professionally. And by doing so, we have uplifted known and unknown women along the way throughout history.
We celebrate it in March to align with the International Women's Day, which was created to promote equal rights. On the eighth of the month, women all around the world can celebrate womanhood. What's more, we can celebrate how far we've come in this journey called life.
That's why it's important to celebrate Women’s History Month as women of color. Though our great-grandmothers did not reap the benefits of the day or month, we have. We are all beneficiaries of women who stood up when the world said sit down.
This month is proof that we have what it takes to overcome obstacles meant to destroy us. It's a confirmation that an image of success is not always necessary to succeed. Though, it is useful. It's a reminder that trials and tribulations are subtle encouragements to keep pushing. It is an invisible megaphone that enables us to roar when society tells us to be quiet. Or worse, that we are too loud. It is a reality check that our passion — not anger — is what sets us and our community on fire. This month is the recognition that we are the change we've wished to see in the world. And in the words of our forever First Lady Michelle Obama, "there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish."
On this last day of March, we honor the women who came before us. We pay homage to the ones who were tired of being tired of the status quo and refused to quit. But because there are women making extraordinary strides every day, we honor them, too.
We appreciate your commitment to setting an example of what is possible. Your tenacity to create solutions instead of problems is inspiring. Your willingness to pull another woman up as you advance in your career is powerful. Recognizing the struggle your sisters face and handing her a mirror so that she can see her truest self is beautiful. That's especially true when she's not ready to see all that she can become or grasp what the future might hold.
This month, we celebrate women like Lisa Price, Taliah Waajid, and Rochelle Alikay Graham-Campbell, too. They changed the world by servicing their community’s hair. We think it goes without saying that the hair and beauty industry is better because of them.
But they, like us, would be nothing without the caretakers of our community. The women who breathe life into our dreams so that we know that we can even in uncertain times. This month is for every grandmother, mom, aunt, sister, daughter and granddaughter.
This month is for you, me, and her. And if nobody else has acknowledged you lately, we, women, appreciate you!
Why do you celebrate Women’s History Month ? Name her on Facebook!
Yasmein James is a freelance writer from Philly who loves a dope twist-out. Her love of storytelling began at the dinner table with her siblings. You can find her words here or on her personal blog, She’s Facing Freedom.