iHerb has been working hard to ensure the accuracy of its product images and information, but for some changes in packaging and/or ingredients made by manufacturers, our website will also take time to update. So when you buy a certain product, you may sometimes encounter information in the update waiting queue. Although the product may occasionally be shipped in alternative packaging, the quality and freshness of the authentic product are always guaranteed. We recommend that you read all product labels, warnings and instructions before using the product, rather than relying solely on the information provided on the iHerb website. The products or related statements sold on this website are not certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, do not have disease prevention or treatment functions, cannot replace drugs, and are not used to diagnose, treat, cure, support or alleviate any disease. The products sold on this website are all US standards from production to specifications, which may be different from the standards of the buyer's location. Please be aware before buying.
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