Join the Movement to Reinvent Retail

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Of a 50,000 Goal

What our investors are saying

Untapped market and community growth opportunity.

-Nicholas, Investor

Investing in our community and our needs is important to me. Having a black hair company that does this is huge. Thanks 4th Ave!

-Trista, Investor

This business is a great place to buy many items i always buy. I want to start spending and investing my dollars with company's who look like me and have great missions.

-Nia Investor

We invested because we believe in the company's potential to fill a much needed void in the online Black hair care community - ownership. As a consumer we often want to support both brands and retailers owned by Black people, but struggle to resist the convenience and proximity of other retailers. 4th Ave Market offering an online platform solves for both. We are looking forward to seeing the potential of this company rise".

- Regina Lindsey, Investor

I shop with 4th Ave Market and i like the direction you're headed in, in terms of developing a supply chain diversity score.

- Kayla, Investor

The work you are doing in building a black owned business that centers our community is so important. I also know you will work tirelessly to grow 4th Ave Market and user in success. I look forward to seeing all that you will achieve in this space.

-Eric, Investor

Support black owned businesses

-Crystal, Investor

As Featured In

What is this "Movement" all about?

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