Lainez Rabano Yodado The Original Dietary Supplement is a safe product that you can take if you don't consume enough fruits and vegetables during the day or if you don't get the nutrients from other foods that you need for the body to function as it should. Lainez Rabano Yodado The Original Dietary Supplement has no flavor, and it is easy to take with water and other beverages. You can also take the supplement with a meal. Take the supplement to work so that you don't forget to take it, or keep it in a place in the home where you will see it every day as supplements usually come in a bottle. Most supplements include the basic minerals and vitamins that include calcium, fiber, fatty acids and enzymes. Some of these products aren't in the foods that you purchase in the store, and if they are, they might be diminished in the quantity, decreasing the amount that you would have in the body.

Other Ingredients: Water, Sucrose, Corn Syrup, Propylene Glycol, Cherry Flavor, Carboxymethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Caramel Color, Sodium Saccharin and Radish Seed Extract.