Bigen EZ Color for Men works on both your hair and beard with
excellent gray hair coverage. EZ Color won't stain skin, doesn't drip
and provides a natural looking color that lasts. EZ color's cream
formula is easy to apply. Simply comb EZ Color into your hair or beard,
wait 10 minutes, then rinse. EZ Color for Men comes in two re-sealable
tubes, which means you use what you need, and save the rest for
touch-ups or your next hair color application.
Easy, comb-in application
No Stains. No Mess. Bigen EZ Color leaves no trace
behind; just a natural, younger-looking you. No tell-tale stains on
skin, no messy clean up! Just natural looking color every time. Simply
squeeze the cream from both tubes onto the included applicator comb, and
comb in. You won't believe how easy it is to get great results.

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